Sunday, August 24, 2014

While in Savannah, my friends and I spent some time in Forsyth Park.  It's a gorgeous and elegant place where people exercise, and walk, and sit and talk, and just enjoy being outdoors.  There is a prominent and much photographed fountain, and statue of  a Civil War hero of the Confederacy.  Of course, in some of the southern states, that war is referred to as the War of Northern Aggression, and not without reason although it both shocked and amused me when I first heard it called that.  Compared to Central Park in NYC, it's very small, but it has some echoes of "Poet's Walk" at the south end.  There are far fewer benches in Forsyth, and a dearth of buskers, but there is abundant Spanish Moss that immediately tells all y'all you be in Dixie now,..... Bubba! ;-)


Anonymous said...

The fountain, built in 1858, dominated the vistas of the park, whose design was influenced by Parisian parks.
We are fortunate that the "good citizens" of Savannah convinced Sherman to not burn the city. It does then seem incongruous that the southern vista is marred by a Confederate memorial.

dvoss said...

Nice work Bubba

John Voss said...

Thanks, Dottie!