Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fog isn't as common here as I wish it were, and when it does show up in the early morning, I'm usually on my way to work.  But yesterday a fog had lingered until I returned, and I immediately got the camera and went behind our house to record what I saw.  Here are three of those images.  Even though they are not in the actual colors of the scene, for me at least, they achieve the sense and vibrations of lingering autumn leaves. 


dvoss said...

I particularly like the middle one. All three have the quiet peace and fragile transience of the woods in autumn.This week while walking in the woods, I stopped to listen to a tree as it quickly dropped a hundred leaves, with no wind blowing.

John Voss said...

Wonderful writing, Dorothy. Thank you, and may we both revel in the beauty of the season.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful triad of photographs! Reading your posts, John, and viewing your photographs is one of the most relaxing, wonderful things I do on a Sunday morning. Thank you.

John Voss said...

Thank you, Mark. I deeply appreciate your comment.